Currently our CBO consists of 15 highly experienced professionals. Men and women who have a mutual interest in environmental conservation, protecting and supporting the marine environment and those who depend on it. We are based in Watamu, Kenya.
Bahari Hai Office Bearers

Kahindi has been in conservation since 2000. He is the Community Outreach and Awareness Programme Coordinator. This job incorporates many aspects of the work conducted at Bahari Hai: conducting fisher trainings, helping with AIG activities like bee apiaries, educating local fisherman about turtle conservation. The things that Kahindi enjoys about working at Bahari Hai is the variety it provides him: he loves to explore many different areas of marine conservation.

Sammy Safari has been in conservation since the mid 1970s when he started protecting and conserving the Arabuko Sokoke forest and was later introduced to the creek and mangrove forest by his class mates. Over the past decades Sammy has been dedicated to protecting our natural sources and today Sammy leads our Anti-Poaching team and is deeply involved with the Community Development and Outreach programme.

James is our finance guru. He has been in conservation since 2000. In his career since then he has closely monitored the use of incoming funds and helping secure new sources of income. Conservation is a costly operation so we need people like James to make sure we can keep doing our work.

Ruth has been in conservation since 2000. Since then she has guided and educated thousands of Watamu visitors and habitants about ocean life in general and sea turtles in particular. Currently she is in charge of communications. And plenty of other things that appear during the day.

Mtalii has been in conservation for ages, but actively involved in turtle conservation for four years. He knows all about geology and oversees the state-on-the-art management information systems at Bahari Hai (MIS). Mtalii is our wizard that creates data collection tools, makes reports and retrieves data we need to make (academic and management) decisions on marine conservation.
Bahari Hai team

Mary has been in conservation since 2010. Today at Bahari Hai, she is part of the antipoaching team which is involved in conducting patrols to look out for evidence of poaching, and educating the community about the importance of turtles in the marine ecosystem.

Samuel has been a marine conservationist since the age of 15. Living close to the ocean he noticed how our marine environment got polluted. A trend that really irritated him. Today he is part of Bahari Hai team that is conducting turtle conservation trainings to various turtle conservation groups and stake holders involved with turtles. The training team at Bahari Hai covers topics such as antipoaching, bycatch and nest monitoring.

Sharlet has been in conservation since 2010. Her focus is on the new generation: Today at Bahari Hai, Sharlet is part of the team that is involved in marine education in schools, general community communication and the marine scouts programme at Bahari Hai.

Dickson is our friendly giant. Strong but always smiling. He has been in conservation since 2010. Today at Bahari Hai, he is part of the antipoaching team which is involved in conducting patrols to look out for evidence of poaching, and educating the community about the importance of turtles in the marine ecosystem.

Grace has been in conservation since 2015. Today at Bahari Hai, and part of the antipoaching team which is involved in conducting patrols to look out for evidence of poaching, and educating the community about the importance of turtles in the marine ecosystem.

Tuva has been in conservation since 2010. Today at Bahari Hai, he is part of the antipoaching team which is involved in conducting patrols to look out for evidence of poaching, and educating the community about the importance of turtles in the marine ecosystem.

Newton has been in conservation since 2015. Today he leads the training team that is conducting turtle conservation trainings to various turtle conservation groups and stake holders involved with turtles. The training team at Bahari Hai covers topics around antipoaching, bycatch and nest monitoring.

Lewa has been in conservation since 2010 and an expert on sea turtles.Today he is part of Bahari Hai team that is conducting turtle conservation trainings to various turtle conservation groups and stake holders involved with turtles. The training team at Bahari Hai covers topics around antipoaching, bycatch and nest monitoring.

Carlos is an experienced nest monitor, been in conservation since 2018. Today he is part of Bahari Hai team that is conducting turtle conservation trainings to various turtle conservation groups and stake holders involved with turtles. The training team at Bahari Hai covers topics around antipoaching, bycatch and nest monitoring.

Jefa has been in conservation since 2018. Today he is part of Bahari Hai team that is conducting turtle conservation trainings to various turtle conservation groups and stake holders involved with turtles. The training team at Bahari Hai covers topics around antipoaching, bycatch and nest monitoring.

Justin has over 10 years of experience in technology startups and leading high-impact organizations. He is Bahari Hai’s programme manager, with a focus on organizational and capacity development, fundraising and strategy.
He received a Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology and Honors in Financial Analysis and Portfolio Management at the University of Cape Town, South Africa. And graduated from the Executive Program through the renowned Singularity University in San Francisco, California, USA.