Watamu CleanUp

The International Coastal Cleanup was conducted on the 18th of September, 2021. The event was coordinated by KWS in collaboration with different stakeholders drawn from government bodies, local NGOs, women groups, Associations, hotels and the general public.
An event that’s held across the globe, Watamu chose to be in the fore front to be part of the event. The Watamu cleanup was started at 0700 hours sharp. The route ran between Ocean Breeze and short beach: a 20km long stretch of marine protected beach. Different groups were deployed at different points along the beach. All trash was categorized in four groups; soft plastic, hard plastic, syringes/ needles, and flipflops.
An estimated 500 people participated in the event, with a total of 4,295kgs of trash collected. All waste collected was taken to Eco-World Recycling centre for sorting and recycling.